Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) or MIG welding


The process is also called as metal inert gas welding (MIG). In this arc welding, the electric arc is produced between a consumable metal electrode and the work piece. During welding, the arc and welding zone are surrounded by an inert gas.Argon or Helium is used as the inert gas. The surrounded air protects the weld from atmosphere. The electrode is fed continuously through welding head because during welding the electrode is melted by are and deposited over the work piece. The welding can be done manually or automatically. Either D.C generator or AC transformer is used for MIG welding. The current ranges from 100A to 400A depending upon the diameter of the wire. The welding head may be either air or water cooled depending upon the current being used. 

This process is used for welding thick plates. It is used for welding aluminum; stainless steel, nickel, and magnesium without weld defects. 


1. No flux is required.

2. High welding speed is obtained. 

3. It is possible to weld ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

4. It provides greater efficiency .

5. It produces high quality weld .

6. The process is cheaper.